Facebook has become a massive success, with over 700 million users, 20% of all Internet bandwidth and even a movie about its creation! With so many people using Facebook it is hardly surprising that it has become popular with companies as a way to keep in touch with customers. Think about all the big brands who have their own Facebook pages these days. You can hardly walk past a big brand without being enticed to their fan page to like them and become part of their community.
Many small and medium sized companies want to have their own Facebook fan pages, but their resident IT expert (a guy in the corner who uses the Internet occasionally) doesn't know how to set one up for maximum impact and certainly doesn't understand about using one to generate leads.
As an offline consultant you can create a great looking fan page, and there are plenty of tools out there to help you do it, and then work on marketing it, gaining fans and showing the company how to use to in their advertising and promotional material. You can also help them with using the fan page to keep in contact with their fans and market to them.
Through a clever usage of giveaways, coupons, offers and other techniques you can turn a Facebook fan page in to a piece of hot property that keeps the leads rolling in and customers coming through the door. Competitions are another way to get fans interested and you don't even have to offer physical prizes a lot of the time. In many cases just the prestige of being seen on the page as a winner is enough to encourage people to participate.
Not all companies suit a fan page though, and you have to understand your clients and what they need. With this understanding you will be able to determine if fan page if right for them and how they can benefit from it.
However, it is important to learn how Facebook marketing can help your clients to boost their sales and make more money. If you do not know how to create Facebook fan pages for your clients, you can always outsource this task to third party. Outsourcing is the easiest way out and it does not compromise your service to your clients as well. All you need to do is to project managed the whole marketing process and make sure that your clients are happy with the result.
To discover more powerful tips on how to boost your clients' business advertising advantage with Facebook marketing, go to ' Local Marketing Secrets '.
Yew Heng Chiong has been marketing on the internet since 2006. He is an expert in Internet Marketing. One of his passion is copywriting. Reading and writing of sales letter are his favorite pass time.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yew_Heng_Chiong


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