How to increase your visibility on Google. Now that you've built your website, people won't necessarily come. Not if they can't find you. And the main way people find you online is still by search engines. Without a website, you don't exist. Without a search strategy, you exist but you are invisible. Google isn't the only search engine - others are available, including Yahoo! Bing and Ask. But Google is so big it has become a verb - and has a market share of over 70 per cent as of February 2010. Nor is Google the only way people search for what they want online. People also search on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social sites they spend so much time on.
People also discover sites through social search using sites like Delicious, Digg and StumbleUpon, where it is people rather than machines and algorithms who decide which are the best sites and items of content by ranking and sharing them.Google is the worlds largest search engine. It does two things.
1. Crawls the Internet looking for webpages, and indexes them in a vast catalogue. It is no longer necessary to manually submit websites to Google - it happens automatically. Google will find pages via incoming links from websites that are already indexed. This is the one reason why you want other sites to link to yours.
2. It decides which are the best pages - both the best match for a search query, and the ones that have the best rank. Getting your pages to rank highly is the harder part, and is what search engine marketing (SEM) will achieve for you.
The decision-making algorithm that decides which pages are the best is based on two things: relevance and authority. The relevance of a page to the search query is simply based on keywords used to perform a search. But since there are likely to be hundreds of thousands of pages that match, Google then ranks them in order of authority, using its PageRank algorithm.
This algorithm is based on work done at Stanford University on how to measure the authority of academic papers. The simple answer is: citations. The more a paper is cited by other papers, the more authority it has. But not all citations are equal: a citation from a paper that itself has a lot of citations carries more weight than one that has few or none.
This is exactly how the Google PageRank algorithm works. The more links there are from other websites to your website, the more authority your website has. But not all incoming links are equal: an incoming link from a website that has a lot of incoming links carries more weight than an incoming link from one that has few or none.
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