If you are operating a website, then no one has to tell you how important it is to have Google on your side. A high page rank from the search engine giant means almost certain success, while a blacklist can quite possibly be the death of your business. It is very important to play by Google's rules so that you can always be guaranteed that your site is ranked as highly as possible. If you are uncertain about what a high page rank means to the future of your site and the success of your Internet business, consider the following facts:
Google is used all over the world
Google is not confined to one specific area of the world. It is a worldwide phenomenon. It is the key to finding things on the Internet. At one time, people invested large amounts of money on hardbound encyclopedia sets. The search engine giant made it possible for a person to have everything that he or she needs by running a simple search. And billions of searches are run every day. The potential marketplace of Google users is limited only to the entire civilized world. Even a small fraction of those eyes on your site can make a significant impact to your final overall success story.
Most sites are getting it wrong
While the wealth of competition out there in the marketplace can seem a little discouraging at first, keep in mind that the vast majority - meaning 80 percent of websites or better - are getting it wrong. They don't know the first thing about search engine optimization, and after a short while of existence, they go away never to be seen or heard from again. As you hone your keywords that you wish to target, the chances of success for your niche market go way up. And you really should be "niching" yourself.
The domain name is a huge part of your success
Try not to be too "cutesy" with your domain names. Google values sites that make their content and their purpose easily accessible to the rest of the users out there. The main purpose of the search engine giant is to deliver the most relevant results to surfers from all over. It's what makes Google successful. They put the surfer first, as you should be doing. So try not to throw out a wide net at the expense of your audience. Make sure that in your SEO efforts you are delivering relevant content and sticking to the Google way of doing things. Because not only is the "Google way" the "successful way," it is something that your clients will appreciate. It is something they will follow as long as you ask them to, and something they will recommend.
Google is used all over the world
Google is not confined to one specific area of the world. It is a worldwide phenomenon. It is the key to finding things on the Internet. At one time, people invested large amounts of money on hardbound encyclopedia sets. The search engine giant made it possible for a person to have everything that he or she needs by running a simple search. And billions of searches are run every day. The potential marketplace of Google users is limited only to the entire civilized world. Even a small fraction of those eyes on your site can make a significant impact to your final overall success story.
Most sites are getting it wrong
While the wealth of competition out there in the marketplace can seem a little discouraging at first, keep in mind that the vast majority - meaning 80 percent of websites or better - are getting it wrong. They don't know the first thing about search engine optimization, and after a short while of existence, they go away never to be seen or heard from again. As you hone your keywords that you wish to target, the chances of success for your niche market go way up. And you really should be "niching" yourself.
The domain name is a huge part of your success
Try not to be too "cutesy" with your domain names. Google values sites that make their content and their purpose easily accessible to the rest of the users out there. The main purpose of the search engine giant is to deliver the most relevant results to surfers from all over. It's what makes Google successful. They put the surfer first, as you should be doing. So try not to throw out a wide net at the expense of your audience. Make sure that in your SEO efforts you are delivering relevant content and sticking to the Google way of doing things. Because not only is the "Google way" the "successful way," it is something that your clients will appreciate. It is something they will follow as long as you ask them to, and something they will recommend.
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